How To Get from Hoima International Airport
How To Get From Hoima International Airport
Hoima Airport is another international Airport in Uganda. It is located in western Uganda, Hoima district and was put up to ease the transportation of oil products discovered in Bunyoro region. Additionally, this airport welcomes thousands of travelers from multiple countries of the World.
If you are interested in exploring the western part of Uganda, there is no need for you to land at Entebbe international Airport. Just book for a flight up to Hoima international Airport. From here it is easier to reach other parts of this region
Western Uganda is full of attractions that invite a plethora of travelers per year. Some of these attractions include diverse Wildlife in protected areas (like National Parks, game reserves), cultural centers and other physical features like mountains, rivers and waterfalls.
Once at the Airfield you can get from there by Airport Taxi Uganda. This is a leading agency that offer airport taxi service from Hoima and Entebbe International Airport.
Their services are satisfying and offered to ensure that the client meets his or her needs. Don’t hesitate to contact them in time.
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