How To Get from Hoima International Airport
How To Get From Hoima International Airport Hoima Airport is another international Airport in Uganda. It is located in western Uganda, Hoima district and was put up to ease the transportation of oil products discovered in Bunyoro region. Additionally, this airport welcomes thousands of travelers from multiple countries of the […]
Uganda to have a Second International Airport
Uganda to have a Second International Airport After spending years with only one international Airport, Uganda is soon having a second international Airport. This Airport is located in Kabaale Parish, Buseruka sub-county in Hoima district. It is established mainly to foster the transportation of oil products in Hoima, but it […]
Hoima Airport – Its Location & Getting from There
Hoima Airport – Its Location & Getting from There After its construction, Hoima airport is Uganda’s second international Airport. It was put in place to ease the movement of oil and all materials to be used in the purification of the oil products discovered in this great region. It isn’t […]
The Construction of Hoima International Airport
The Construction of Hoima International Airport Located in Hoima district, this infrastructure is under construction and will be Uganda’s second international airport. Hoima is amongst Uganda’s prominent districts and shelters a thousand locals of Banyoro tribe. Western Uganda is stocked with plenty of attractions and natural minerals including the oil […]