Taxi near Me – Quick Transport from Kampala to EBB Airport
Do you need quick transport from Kampala to Entebbe Airport? Look no further than Entebbe Airport Express. Book in advance and the cab driver will come for you at your exact location. There is no need to find him somewhere. You are picked from where you prefer to be found. The place can be with in the capital or out of the city. We usually find clients at hotels, restaurants or residential homes.
A ride from Kampala to the Airport takes not less than 50 minutes especially during day time. When you find too much traffic congestion on some road sections you can even spend two hours for this journey. So, it is better to plan in time and ask the reservation agent for advise on the best time to start the ride. We use the Expressway to dodge the car congestion in the city center.
For quick connection, it is better you just send a WhatsApp text on this number +256773241779. The reservationist is ever available to respond. After confirming, please share the pick up address, time and the local number the driver can call once he reaches the area.