You may start by asking who is a citizen of Uganda. Listed below are the different categories of a person who can claim to be a Ugandan by citizenship.
- Any person born in Uganda with parents or grandparents who were a member of any indigenous communities residing within Uganda’s borders as on the first day of February 1962. This is set out in the third schedule of the constitution.
- If you are born by parents who were Ugandans by the time of birth (a citizen of Uganda by birth).
- A child of not more than five years found in Uganda and his or her parents are not known is considered to be a Ugandan.
- A child under the age of eighteen years when he is adopted by a citizen of Uganda upon registration shall be a citizen of Uganda.
- A person who applies and is approved then will be registered as a citizen of Uganda.
What document is issued to show that I am a registered citizen?
Any person registered as a citizen of Uganda will be issued with a serialized certificate of registration.
What is the effect of being registered as a Ugandan?
Once registered as a citizen of Uganda then you acquire all the rights, duties and responsibilities subjected to a Ugandan citizen like the right to vote, hold a Uganda passport, duty to pay taxes, duty to defend the constitution of Uganda and to report a crime.
What is dual citizenship?
Dual citizenship in Uganda means the ability to possess two citizenships of which one is Uganda.
Does dual citizenship include possession of three citizenships?
No, dual citizenship means only two citizenships including one for Uganda. Possession of third citizenship automatically disqualifies you from being a dual national of Uganda.
What is the rationale for dual citizenship in Uganda?
- The need to enable Ugandans in Diaspora to maintain linkages with their roots.
- The need to tempt potential investors.
- To enjoy the advantages that accrue from the grant of dual citizenship.
When did the law on dual citizenship come into force?
Dual citizenship was prohibited in Uganda by Article 15 of the constitution until 2009. This article was amended by the constitutional amendment but later enacted to provide for dual citizenship in Uganda.
Who qualifies to hold dual citizenship in Uganda?
Any Ugandan who seeks citizenship of another country that allows dual citizenship and fulfils the requirements for dual nationality.
Any person who holds a citizenship of another country that permits dual nationality but seeks Ugandan citizenships. You must satisfy the requirements for the grant of dual citizenship.
What are the procedures for retaining the citizenship of Uganda when one acquires citizenship of another country?
Any Ugandan who fancy acquiring citizenship of another country but as well retain the citizenship of Uganda will give notice in writing to the National Citizenship and Immigration Board notifying them about his or her application for citizenship in another country.
The notice above shall be in the prescribed form and accompanied by:
- A statutory declaration indicating that he or she is a citizen of Uganda only where the person is a citizen of Uganda and another country. A declaration of renunciation of the Citizenship of the third country evidence that the applicant is of or above eighteen years of age.
- A copy of the application for citizenship of the other country.
- Any other relevant information required by the responsible authorities.
Which offices in Uganda can’t be held by a dual citizen holder?
- The President of Uganda
- Vice President
- Prime Minister
- Cabinet Minister and other Ministers
- Inspector General of Government
- The Deputy Inspector General of Government
- Technical Head of the armed forces
- Technical heads of Branches of the armed forces
- Commanding Officers of armed forces units of at least battalion strength.
- Officers responsible for heading departments for records, personnel and logistics in all branches of the armed forces.
- The Inspector-General of Police.
- Deputy Inspector General of Police.
- Member of the National Citizenship and Immigration Board
- Heads and Deputy Heads of National Security and Intelligence Organizations such as ESO, ISO & CMI.
Summary Check List for Dual Citizenship Applicants
- Fill in the dual citizenship application form and have it commissioned by a High Court Judge or Notary Public.
- Get your cover letter addressed to the secretary of the National citizenship and Immigration Board
- Medical report of sanity of the applicant.
- Proof that the applicant is above 18 years of age (birth certificate).
- Evidence that the applicant has adequate knowledge of English or Swahili.
- Proof that the applicant was formerly a Ugandan (only for Ugandans in the Diaspora).
- Present a letter of good conduct from the home country or Interpol.
- Show proof that you were granted citizenship by registration (only applicable to foreigners who have been granted Ugandan Citizenship by Registration).
- Evidence that the other country allows dual citizenship (e.g. a letter from immigration authority or High Commission or consulate of the other country or copy of provisions of laws that permit dual citizenship of that other country).
- Two recent Passport size photos of the applicant.
- Evidence that the applicant or his/her parents or grandparents have ever stayed in Uganda for at least ten years.